our beliefs

The Church

The primary purpose of the church is to make the good news of Jesus Christ known locally and globally.


Salvation is a sovereign work of God, who through the Holy Spirit, regenerates sinners, leading them to repentance, faith, and forgiveness in Jesus Christ as one’s personal savior.

Sinfulness of humanity

All of humanity has fallen from a holy and good condition and are by nature sinners, enemies of God, and under the power of the kingdom of darkness. As a result, they are under the just condemnation and wrath of God without defense or excuse apart from Christ.

God is triune

God exists in three distinct persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are equal in essence, but distinct in Persons.


Jesus Christ is genuinely God and genuinely man. He lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary, atoning death, was literally buried and rose from the dead, and will one day literally return in glory to establish his kingdom.

An exclusive gospel

Salvation is available through Jesus Christ alone. Jesus is not one of many ways to God; He is the ONLY way to God.

a real heaven and hell

Heaven and Hell are real places and all of humanity will spend eternity in one or the other. These truths are the motivation behind our obedience to the great commission.


The Bible is God-breathed, and as a result, it is totally true and trustworthy.

Eternal security

Because God initiates and accomplishes the salvation work, God secures the salvation he provides.

marriage and sexuality

Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a lifetime covenant bond of marriage. It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and his church. In marriage, man and woman is provided a God honoring framework for intimate companionship and sexual expression according to biblical standards.

Baptism and the lord's supper

As a church, we identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ through believer’s baptism as the first step of Christian obedience and proclaim the benefits of his death until he comes through observing the Lord’s Supper.

Church leadership

Our commitment to Jesus is demonstrated through our commitment to the biblical model of church governance - elder leadership. To this end, Pursuit church is governed by a plurality of elders who are biblically qualified men.

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